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The soil-plant couple: the keys to success

Writer's picture: Pierre-Luc QuaakPierre-Luc Quaak

We've already told you about the importance of soil regeneration. Once this action has been carried out, and even more so in its absence, here is why it seems to us just as essential to take care of the aerial part of the plant.


To have healthy plants, abundant harvests, which keep better and with more taste (case of fruit trees and including vines, but not only certain vegetables are also concerned).

If you have regenerated your soil, ie you have, among other things, deoxidized, the plant will also be deoxidized, therefore less prone to oxidation with the consequences on diseases and pests. But on what we measure and observe, the environment is so oxidized and salty that it is polluting (microorganisms and pathogenic insects, etc.) and thus action on the earth alone is no longer sufficient. Clearly, at the beginning of the cycle of the plant, it is rather healthy and for example, around mid-June it can be critical. This is particularly the case of plants, by nature, oxidizing such as nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, …)

If you also opt for organic and even more chemical fertilizers, the plant becomes “lazy” and its autotrophy is reduced.

Weakened, attacked, it will have difficulty developing and defending itself against both external aggressors and the climate. You can notice this in particular when the root parts are more important than the aerial parts: the plant will seek in the ground.

Parenthesis on autotrophy: unlike animals, our plants have the ability to synthesize their own metabolism from air, water and minerals. So their own amino acids and protein chains. It is therefore essential that this function is optimal.

As for the ground, we will put the plant in its natural environment.

It has a great side, it is that of being absorbed by the leaves as well. So on the negative side, if it is in a "polluting" environment, it will also absorb. So, it is enough to understand what makes him happy.

So, in very small quantities, it is enough to mix plants in very great diversity, to ferment them (it is part of our recipes) and to pulverize them in very small quantity on the foliage.

You are thus giving information (the “autotrophy” information) to the plant which is very different from a chemical fertilizer in foliar spraying (which gives the opposite information ).

But you also allow as a form of protection, in the sense that positive organisms will develop on the foliage, and on the one hand, by occupation strategy fungal diseases cannot develop there, and on the other hand, positive bacteria and fungi live in symbiosis, increasing among other things the capacity of plants to fix nitrogen (and therefore as much less fertilizer to add to the soil) . Do you find this exceptional? This is the natural process in virgin forests.

A significant increase in minerals was thus observed in the leaves and fruits (from 5 to 20 times more), and the mineral distribution is different from the control on fertilized soil with chemical fertilizers. Do you find this extraordinary? Not that much, you can put things into perspective by understanding the reading of several studies (here that of the Department of Agriculture in the USA) which show an average reduction of 80% of minerals in vegetables between 1914 and 1997, i.e. approximately 6 times less. So, in fact, we start from a very low level and suddenly, it's easy to do better.

The explanation for this mineral gap also comes from the fact that nitrogen fertilizers cause plant cells to grow in turgor of water and salts. This is one of the reasons why we observe much higher levels of dry matter in our customers: that we can physically feel by touching the leaves.

On non-regenerated soil, this mineral increase is less strong, for two reasons: the volume and mineral availability are lower and the mineral richness (micro and nano- minerals in particular) is also lower.

In any case, it is scientific proof of the improvements in yield, resilience, taste and conservation observed among our customers. The icing on the cake, it also increases frost resistance: see the article on this subject.

Consequently, you create an advantage for the soil: when all these metabolic functions are activated, through photosynthesis, plants produce, thanks to the sun, lots of sugar; a third of this production is sent directly to the ground in order to obtain living soil.

And this is how you understand that the soil-plant couple is inseparable and that both must be taken care of for full efficiency.

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